Your chicken Smoothie Stories

Here are some Chicken smoothie stories- just for you.

"So my sister was sitting on the comp in her room, I sat next to her and saw some weird looking owls. I asked her what the heck they were and she told me everything about chicken smoothie- she helped me get a account and even gave me some free pets.
I Became addicted pretty fast, and before i knew it chicken smoothie was 50% of my life. Im glad tho, becuz theres alot of nice people and ive made some great friends, Awhile back though i got traded a really unfair trade.. course i didnt know that. I thought the common dog was really cool and i accepted it for 2 of my 09 warrior rares she gave me. I showed her and she got really angry at me, It made me feel so bad. I sort of lost interest in chicken smoothie; i had nothing really good left and my sister was mad at me. So i quit for awhile. Then my sister apologized for her yelling and gave me some more rates! But im really careful not to trade them unless its fair so i consult her whenever i can."

Hi, Im chubbie. Owner of this website. I have a pretty complicated virtual life. But im not going to go into the details- because well itd be 3 years of information- starting with animal jam, becoming transformice, and ending with chicken smoothie.
So heres how I got started on chicken smoothie.
I was of course, on Tfm and Ace was talking to me about how he had finally got 3 coontails.
Wthec is a coontail?
He told me it was a animal on chicken smoothie.
He got off before i could ask more questions, so i look it up.
At first it wont let me register, so i become a guest thinking it'll save my pets.
I get a few and fall in love.
I get off and come back the next day- there gone.
I get so sad I ask ace where they went. He explains that wen yur a guest nothings saved.
Well now i HAVE to get a account. 
It took  me 3 DAYS.
I dont even remeber why, but it did.
I adopted some dogs and cats then realized something.
"Animals can take up to 30 days to grow"
I get offline and don't get back on.
A couple months later tho- I find some people on tfm talking about it. I get back on to check my pets and see a omg so common cat and a couple blue vry common dogs.
You shoulda seen me smile.
That was all it took, I agreed to myself to adopt and get on once at the end of the month.
So the next month i go to check my new pets- but i see a trade.
I was hooked.
Trading is like a disease to me- I was a pretty rare trader on aj and I cant help but sending one back.
Its accepted.
That feeling- had to be the best feeling EVER!
I was all: VICTORY
An they were all: <_< 
But i dont care.

And thats how i got started on chicken smoothie.<3

Got a story?
Put it in the comments and Ill post it IMMEDIATLY!

1 comment:

  1. when I first started chicken smoothie I thought I was like oh so cool only having a uncommon at the most. Then I saw idk who it was but they were so rare and I offered for there Sunjewel and I gave a common for it The next day I saw the person canceled.I was all like THAT PERSON KNOWS NOTHIN I AM SO RARE AND THEY ARE NOT SO YA DEAL WITH IT >:D thanks my story : )
